Saturday, April 28, 2012

Birthday Milestone Thoughts

It's another Saturday morning..........I'm up early and everyone else is asleep.  It might be because its 6:30???  My youngest turns 13 today!  He's so excited about it. This year, he wanted to have a party with the family--great--no problem.  I'm happy for him at this milestone age, too but the other side of it is that I'm going to be running around getting those last minute "things" like the cake and the gift card that I forget to get that I'll claim is from his brother; picking up socks that just seem to fall off of people's feet and no one seems to remember who they belong to; vacuuming up a pound of dog fur; cleaning up my hubby's grilling messes............... Maybe that is why I'm up with the sun??? 

When my oldest (now 15) turned 13 years old, he was given a cell phone.  It was given not for the WOW I'm a teenager with a cell phone factor but because he was involved in afterschool clubs and we needed to keep in touch with him for emergencies.  His younger brother some how got the notion that turning 13 meant that getting a cell phone----a rite of passage so to speak.  He's been on my case about that phone ever since so naturally, I got him a very, very basic one for his birthday today.  He'll LOVE it.

What I know is today is about my "baby" son  is becoming an official teenager and inspite of the fact that I'm dealing with family members and their crazy, the running around, the last minute cleaning and picking up of things, today is all about him and the excitement of the milestone birthday! What I know  is the happier my kids are, the more broke I become!! 

I just might need a coffe mug of wine at the end of today..........we'll see.

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