Friday, April 27, 2012

Field Trip to UMD

Today I took my students to the University of Maryland for a simple tour.  The bus arrived on time, my chaperones arrived on time and the kids were ready to go.  Everything was looking great.......we pulled out of the parking lot only to make a u-turn going back to the building to student meds.  I should have know that this was an omen--not a good one!

One the way, one of the drivers went the wrong way on the Beltway--not sure how that happened but eventually, we all ended up in the same place--the visitor's center at UMD. When we arrived, the wind picked up and began to blow us all over the place.  Not expecting this kind of change in the weather, we were all unprepared. The tour went great, the kids learned a lot and I got to go on a memory trip.  Things were awesome. The bus returned on time, got us back on the road---right into lunch hour traffic:(  What should have been a short 15 minute drive ended up taking us closer to 30 minutes.  The kids were so patient---they didn't really pay that much attention to the amount of time we were spending on the road.

At the end of the day, what I know is that it is important to get  your kids exposed to as many things like college at an early age. What I know is that things that as an adult I notice, my students thankfully don't see.  What I know is that spending the day surrounded by enthusiasm and genuine joy adds at least 100 years to your life:)

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